DISCLAIMER This blog, "Hot Celebrities Online," posts articles related to who is the most talked celebrity online. The stories are based on five sources of entertainment sites. The pictures contained in this blog are taken from subdomain blogs like blogspot and wordpress (although some pictures are taken from free celebrity photos which the blog author is given the authority to copy). Any person claiming any right to the pictures or contents contained in this blog and does not wish to publish same, you may contact the blog author by email at

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The most hot topic today is regarding the Hudson killings. I know the incident is still fresh in your minds. Mine too actually. With that it makes Jennifer Hudson the hot celebrity online. Actually, I havent heard or seen Jennifer Hudson commenting on the incident ever since it all started. However, we could not blame her for that. Imagine, after all the success, and the most important people in your life are gone. That's something no one wants to experience.

But then the sun still shines after all the darkness. There is tomorrow when you think everything has ended. The recent update on the Hudson killings is that William Balfour the suspect of the killings of Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew was arrested and ready to be charged. William Balfour denied the accusation. According to his lawyer, all evidence pointing to William Balfour is plain circumstantial. This story is just a beginning. Definitely, it will not be gone for quite some time.

Jennifer Hudson though must go on with her life. It may be hard but that's reality. This happens for a reason which I really dont know why. And why these occur to some good persons. Good day to everyone!


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