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Thursday, November 6, 2008


What is this prop 8 by the way? California passed proposition 8 where the same is prohibiting gay marriage. And who among others would react with this kind of proposition? Of course, Ellen DeGeneres will be one of them. We all know that Ellen DeGeneres just got married to her long time girlfriend Portia De Rossi. This proposition passed by California are definitely faced with several cries of injustice and inequality.

And that is what Ellen DeGeneres is fighting for, equality for all! Here is what Ellen said and I just cant add something about it for it says everything; its up to you to comment: "Watching the returns on election night was an amazing experience. Barack Obama is our new president. Change is here. I, like millions of Americans, felt like we had taken a giant step towards equality. We were watching history. This morning, when it was clear that Proposition 8 had passed in California, I can’t explain the feeling I had. I was saddened beyond belief. Here we just had a giant step toward equality and then on the very next day, we took a giant step away. I believe one day a “ban on gay marriage” will sound totally ridiculous. In the meantime, I will continue to speak out for equality for all of us."

Here are videos of Ellen DeGeneres on prop 8:

1. Ellen DeGeneres on Proposition 8

2. Ellen's monologue on Leno Tonight

3. Ellen DeGeneres slams Sarah Palin on Gay marriage - vote no on prop 8

4. Ellen DeGeneres urges californians to vote no on prop 8


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