DISCLAIMER This blog, "Hot Celebrities Online," posts articles related to who is the most talked celebrity online. The stories are based on five sources of entertainment sites. The pictures contained in this blog are taken from subdomain blogs like blogspot and wordpress (although some pictures are taken from free celebrity photos which the blog author is given the authority to copy). Any person claiming any right to the pictures or contents contained in this blog and does not wish to publish same, you may contact the blog author by email at

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal

Who are the hot celebrities online? They include the casts of Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal. The casts of this movie are Ashley Bensen, Jenna Dewan and Tatum O'neal.

Fab Five Texas Cheerleader Scandal was aired at LIFE, Saturday, 9 P.M. I think I saw this movie. But I really forgot the plot of it. Based on online posts, this is a story of cheerleaders who affect the lives of their fellow students. Until they met a new coach Emma Carr. The story then centers on this.

I think most of the teenagers out there watched it already. This is my last post for the day guys. Till then.


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