DISCLAIMER This blog, "Hot Celebrities Online," posts articles related to who is the most talked celebrity online. The stories are based on five sources of entertainment sites. The pictures contained in this blog are taken from subdomain blogs like blogspot and wordpress (although some pictures are taken from free celebrity photos which the blog author is given the authority to copy). Any person claiming any right to the pictures or contents contained in this blog and does not wish to publish same, you may contact the blog author by email at

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Upon surfing online, I came across a celebrity site talking about top celebrity scandals for 2008. Actually, the site does not mention clear names and what is the basis thereof. In fact they are giving you chances to vote who is your top list. As for me, I dont know yet. I really dont have any idea. All I know is that, for sure, Britney Spears will be included in the list. I think they should limit their list in celebrities and not include those outside the concept.

E online mentions the following stars to be probably included in the 2008 top celebrity scandals. Here are the names of the stars:

1. Kanye
2. Brangelina
3. Heath Ledger and the Joker
4. John Mayer
5. Jennifer Aniston
6. Britney Spears
7. From Miley Cyrus

For now the above enumerated stars are the hot celebrities online.


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