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Thursday, October 16, 2008


According to news online, Sarah Palin is no longer running for vice-presidential position. She is to be replaced by someone named Joe Wurzelbacher. She resigned for the position to concentrate more on her child who is experiencing a down syndrome. In the presidential debate, the word autism was not only mentioned once but twice or more. McCain is to provide additional support for children experiencing autism just like Sarah Palin's child.

So far, only a few websites are mentioning about Sarah Palin's resignation for the candidacy (or maybe I only read a few, lol). Despite that and as usual, this makes Sarah Palin the hot celebrity online. At least we now know how caring is Sarah when it comes to her child experiencing autism. She is not only the mother who is experiencing this situation. Others have. Actually so many of them but they made it very simple to deal with that kind of situation when in fact it is hard.

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