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Thursday, September 4, 2008


So the awaited speech of Sarah Palin is all over but never the after effect thereof. This speech of hers has been the topic all over the world even to non-US countries. The thing is will this overwhelming welcome of the people for Sarah Palin's candidacy will surely put her in the position she is running now? If this is how the people react to every act of Sarah Palin which makes her very famous all over the world we'll see if the same people will vote for her in US election.

Listen to what others say about Sarah Palin's speech as posted by yahoo buzz:

It wasn't just a home run, said CNN's Wolf Blitzer; it may have been a grand slam. "A very auspicious debut," said NBC's Tom Brokaw. It was a "perfect populist pitch," said CBS' Jeff Greenfield. "Terrific," said Mort Kondracke on Fox News Channel.

"A star is born," said Chris Wallace on Fox.

"A star is born," Blitzer said.

"A star is born," said Anderson Cooper on CNN.

Let me end my scrap by providing you the Sarah Palin Speech Video which I got from youtube. Listen and hope that it will happen if Sarah Palin will indeed win the vice-president position.




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